Several rooms and areas within the Henry Student Center are available for reservation through Student Development.
Booking Room Reservations
- Check the appropriate room calendar below for availability on the specific date(s) you would like to reserve.
- Create a Google Calendar appointment and add the specific Wilkes email for the requested
room as a guest. Include the following information in the description of the appointment:
- Event Title
- Name and email / phone # of contact person for appointment
- Number of anticipated people to attend event
- Once you have submitted your request, do not assume you have the room! You will receive a Google Calendar "acceptance" email. Once you have received the acceptance email, your reservation is confirmed.
For any special set-up arrangements, please contact Facilities Management directly at or 570-408-2349 (2FIX).
For catering needs, please contact Aramark General Manager, Pat McGoff, at
Available Rooms
Jean & Paul Adams Commons (JPAC)
- Located on the second floor of HSC.
- Fits approximately 200-250 people.
- Can be set up banquet style or auditorium style.
- Includes a stage, podium, overhead projector and roll down screen above stage.
- Built-in sound room in the back of the room.
Miller Room
- Located on the second floor of HSC
- Fits 40-50 people.
- Typically set up conference-style, but can be set up classroom-style as well
- Includes podium, overhead projector and computer.
Student Center Lounge
- Located on the first floor, W South Street of HSC
- Can fit more than 150 people depending on layout.
- Open set up (no doors).
- Typically set up lounge-style, but layout is very flexible.
- Includes overhead projector and speaker system.
Roth Concourse
- Located on the first floor of Henry Student Center.
- Fits up to 15 tables.
- Reservations will be on a first come, first serve basis.
- Reservation requests will be automatically declined after the maximum capacity has been filled.
Savitz Lounge
- Located on the second floor of Henry Student Center.
- Small, cozy room.